Pastor Search and Transition
Welcome to our Transition Resource Page! As we begin this new chapter as a church, we want to be sure that we are communicating as much about the process as possible. This page is designed to serve as a resource for all things related to this transition. Here, you'll find updates, information about our Pastor Search Team, and our Transition Sermon Calendar. Our goal is to keep you informed, engaged, and connected as we prayerfully seek the leader that God has in store for our congregation.
Thank you for being a part of this pivotal moment in our congregation’s journey!
Pastor Search Team
In accordance with the LMBC Bylaws, "in the event of a vacancy in the office of Lead Pastor, a search committee shall be elected to aid the church in finding a suitable replacement. The search committee shall consist of two (2) lay elders and five (5) congregation members. The five (5) members of the congregation shall be nominated by the elders and represent the church membership by gender, age, and length of membership." Below are the Pastoral Search Team nominations.

Justin Koon has been a member of LMBC since 2011 and came to serve as a Lay elder of the church in 2023. He is a licensed Marriage and Family therapist at The Christian Counseling Center at First Presbyterian Church. He has served as a Connect Group Leader, lay ministry team member, deacon, chairman of personnel committee, and Kids Ministry Volunteer. He is supported by his wife, Rossie, and their two sons, Caleb & Josh.

Tony Steffee has been a member of LMBC since 2010 and came to serve as a Lay elder of the church in 2023. He is the Engineering Services Manager for Aulick Engineering. He served as church moderator, Connect Group Leader, Children’s Ministry volunteer, lay ministry team member, and Bylaws Task Force Team Member. He and his wife, Shauna, have six children, Daniel, Evan, Jonathan, Jacob, Alaina, and Hudson.

Melody Heffline has been a member of Lake Murray since July, 1999. She retired a Nurse Practitioner in Vascular Surgery at Lexington Medical Center, and currently works as a Hospice Nurse Practitioner. She is currently serving as church clerk and Women's Ministry coordinator. She also serves as a Kid's Ministry volunteer. She has served on two prior pastor search committees.

Amanda Kruse has been a member of LMBC since 2011. She is the Senior VP at Bank of America and is married to Rob. They have a son, Oliver, who is 4. Amanda serves as the personnel commitee clerk and as a connect group leader in Kid's Ministry.

Joeli Mulligan joined LMBC in the Fall of 2021. She is a Licensed Professional Counselor and founder of Speechless Ministries, which helps the local church equip and encourage women to know, love and apply the Word of God. She serves on the Guest Services and Response Teams, and has served as a volunteer in Kid's Ministry. She is married to Kevin, and has two children, Caleb and Keppley.

Scott Poovey and his wife, Oneta, joined Lake Murray Baptist in 2020. They have three children, Alex, Claire and Seth. Scott is a state employee and works in IT. He currently serves as a Connect Group Leader.

Keith Sturkie joined Lake Murray Baptist with his wife, Sharon, in August of 2011. He has two sons & six grandchildren. Keith retired from Mid-Carolina Electric Cooperative. He serves as the assistant teacher of the Keeton Connect Group.
Sermon Calendar
We are thankful to friends of Lake Murray, Dr. Tony Wolfe and Dr. Lee Clamp, who will assist with preaching responsibilities during this time. The March Sermon calendar is listed below.

Church leadership is dedicated to maintaining transparency throughout this transition and understands that questions may arise. If you have any inquiries, please feel free to reach out to the elders by emailing